The cauldron comes to boil
laden with wounded flesh
and broken bones.
Witches mind the iron kettle,
while grim ogres without repentance
circle the fire with hungry eyes.

What was done to the least of these
rises in the lurid stew,
while the air fills with the dark smoke
of what might have been.

Encamped in the shadows,
beyond the flames and cries of the unforgiving,
two lonely angels camp in darkness,
keeping watch on the infernal.
The hour of sacrifice draws near;
there must be witness.

The fires will burn out, they always have.
When dawn comes upon the encampment
of blackened ash and ill-cast dreams,
another voice will speak the dream of the future.

Animals will gather as to a running stream,
wilderness will return bright and untarnished.
Suffer this night and welcome the day,
for this is the time of revelation.


Left Hand Watercolor by Eilish Hynes
Watercolor by Eilish Hynes












11 Responses

  1. This poem has brought chills and goose bumps to my skin and tears to my eyes. I feel my heart. Also wanted to add that Eilish’s painting is quite beautiful.

  2. Death, the ultimate and complete revelation, comes to every cycle of angelic incarnation in temporal flesh. This poem speaks to my own cycle of incarnation and life’s journey. I’ve known only partial and very limited revelation of my Self in 76 years. Let the fire burn itself out. There’s more to come at the break of the new day dawning.

  3. . . .” another voice will speak the dream of the future.” Your poem is precise with inner and outer chaos flaring, all necessary for its demise. In Silence we hear the voices speak, and recognize the language as our own. Yes, we see new life breaking dawn!

  4. My heart breaks for knowing what might have been. You have captured a way to express the horror and the hope.

  5. I am moved by this poem, Don, and like Athena, I have no words at present. Thank you, my friend.

  6. Very intense and I have to say Eilish’s watercolor is amazing!. Thank you for including it as it adds a lot to the poem. A town near my brothers home lost 5 people this week in another shooting. It is coming so close. 5 lives lost. I can no longer bear to listen to the news.

    Thank you Don for your role as a witness and an interpreter of our experience. I too have hope.

  7. Cracks in the dam of resistance to Truth, rhythmically foretelling a coming we once longed for. And now that we hear its rumble?….are we ready to dance? Who will partner with the One I AM?

    Great Thanks, Don!

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