Grey water and light wind,
the distant call of a gull.
The weight of these times
with me as I settle
into the silence once more,
the presence of the sea
deep and unmoving.

The old voices are with me,
tired of the world,
the many broken places,
and something else
rising from within
to meet her beauty,
greet the morning.

Faces on the ancient stone
much like my own,
dipping into cold water,
lifted toward the light.











11 Responses

  1. A great portrait of “the Ancient of Days” on whom gravitas sits with dignity. You’ve really used sea images well to capture and connect moods interior and exterior.

  2. I really appreciate your words in connecting nature to our humanity. Well said, one of my favorites

  3. It’s time to fully recall why we are here, who we are, “rising from within”

  4. Don, thanks. I’m glad the spirit turned upward. May it remain so with you and all of us. – Tom

  5. The many broken places, all need the light, so greet the morning light! Beautiful, Don.

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