I slept through most of the big wind,
tall trees swaying like grass,
rain lashing the cabin dark.

In the morning no motion,
the ocean’s mood changed in a heartbeat;
leaves so still they could be sleeping.

Asleep or awake the earth goes on,
the tide ebbing once more,
yet something has changed.

The delicate branches of ocean spray,
the gulls arc and turn to the sun
and something like joy

hiding in the thorns like a bird,
wings fluttering, then gone
in a flash of bright color.



17 Responses

  1. Magnificent poem. “Asleep or awake the earth goes on.” And for us to have been one with it, no matter so briefly, is surely the joy of existence itself.

    With your permission, I take this to a poetry reading.

  2. Even in the midst of the ebb and flow of life around me, dealing with my patterns, my choices, I agree that something has changed. A flash of light at the corner of my eye revealing a new perspective, frequent “Ah ha” moments that make me chuckle, living every day “stuff” with a lighter touch. Yes, the earth goes on, but it is different with every turn.
    And I wonder, “Is this joy?”

  3. Each Heartbeat always brings Joy… thanks for sharing your’s Brother. Love ya.


  4. I love that it is “something like joy” because it is in fact a mystery and no need to try to figure it out, just take the moment and ride the current- what a great trip.

  5. It is said that the Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao. Something Like Joy is really close, in my experience, of what that speaks to. Thanks Don

  6. Morning has broken…like the first morning…praise for the season…
    Irresistable joy breaks through. Thank God it can’t be stopped by human intrusion!

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