When snow covers the valley
the time is here to slow down,
to let earth’s winter rhythm
seep into the deep-celled longing
of the body for peace
and a place of home
within the great silence.


          photo by Sandy Brown Jensen












Reading of “Slow Down” with music by Van Morrison



7 Responses

  1. Thanks for reminder, Don. It always seems that questions are answered and deep peace and wisdom come from the quiet of our own being.

  2. “Can you imagine how beautiful the world would be if men and women just took the time to be Who They Are, and learn to let each other do the same?” — A lyrical line from a song composed by Peace-imbued friend-forever, Peggy Gretsch: “We’re Here; It’s Now”.

  3. Don, your poem is a comfort today because it runs counter to much of the domestic suggestions that begin with something like “Are you ever going to take care of _____?”

  4. Lovely poem, photo and mood to bring me into this vast, quiet Now — breathing slowly out, breathing in. Ah~~peace, home, earth’s heartbeat. From this home, all is just as it is. With gratitude.

  5. Don — I’m taking your poem to heart down here in SWFL. Near the Gulf of Whatever. Out riding my bike. Earth’s winter rhythm has been replaced by Earth’s March in Florida.

  6. Your words in this lovely, peaceful poem, seep into the deep-celled longing of my body and our precious. Thank you, Don.

  7. The rhythmic slow dance coordinated by Van Morrison leads me into the wide eyed seeing birthed from a space beneath a millennium of snow covered misunderstanding .
    If I walk in ways that lead Home I will be protected by a voice at first shouldered by a wilderness of seeming barreness .
    Embrace that which connects in simple acceptance in Love.

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