Waves tear south
under high winds,
white caps and rollers
stretch across the channel
as gusts envelop the cabin
like a ship on the sea.

I sleep with the sound,
wake up in the roar
and light my lamp
for those out in this weather.
Storm tossed and driven
hope may be forgotten
yet safe harbor is near.

Come in from the cold,
here there’s a fire;
forgiveness will find you
if you follow the light.












Reading of “Safe Harbor” with music by Woody Guthrie.



12 Responses

  1. Don, a wild night, for sure. Probably those inconsiderate law students on another of their midnight rampages. Glad you have the comfort of the dawn.

  2. Don — Poignant poem today. Thank you for this. We all need a “Safe Harbor”at some point in our lives. Even PR guys. I love these lines:

    “…hope may be forgotten
    yet safe harbor is near.
    Come in from the cold,
    here there’s a fire;
    forgiveness will find you
    if you follow the light.”

  3. Well done Don! The perfect gesture in this hour of climax. I see your lighted lamp and an arc of light passes over the darkness and over the waters between you and me and others, expanding the light and making ready safe harbour and warmth in the fire. It is a good poem; a true and living message.

  4. Above what appears great waves we try to negotiate.
    May I remember to extend a life jacket that is our God send and our link to always forgive and ascend,from a heart that is capable of much more.
    Besides burning the dross we show our stalwart value.

  5. Thank you, Don. “This weather” reminds me of the turmoil present in our world. Glad to know safe harbor prevails. With eyes and heart open I seek “the light.”

  6. The warm fires of Forgiveness have found me (whether asleep or waking) and lit my way for decades now. Hence, I’m still here in the safe harbor of Heaven on Earth (mine). Praise Be Ever Raised!

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