Spring grasses surge
as soft rain falls on the greening land
lifting us from winter sleep.

From caverns beneath the cold ground
ancient voices stir and ghost dancers
move their tireless feet
to the pulse of earth music.

Above and below urge us on
to cross the waters of time,
toward the grail
that holds the lost truths
of our mysterious birth.

Into the rain we stumble
clawing on our oilskin jackets,
answering only to the sea
and the rock bound shore
as we forge our way
into the rushing tide
of awakening.












Reading of “Rushing Tide” with music by Art Patience



7 Responses

  1. The cadence blending music and phrasing and multiple meanings establishes a unified and rhythmic breath pattern that resonates in the chambers of my soul and fills this temple with heavenly joy and a consciousness of fulfilment riding on the rushing tides. Wonderful Don, the poem and surging music carrying your voice, holy ghost dancing to the heartbeat of ever-new creation.

  2. Brilliant, Don… Thank you, Brother. I am reminded daily of my “new” awakenings🌈

  3. Thanks, Don —

    After a long slow period of planetary retrograde cycles that all seemed to say “not yet” it seems we have finally entered into a time of forward motion. What a relief!

    Our inner, most secret choices seem to travel faster, and farther. Onward, I say — clearer, stronger, trusting in above and below.

  4. Don, the “lost truths of our mysterious birth” is a strong line that has me thinking. Thank you for sending the poem. Happy Mother’s Day to those you remember in “The Irish Girl.”

  5. Another beauty, Don, and a gorgeous tribute to Mother Earth on this glorious Mother’s Day.

  6. The power of Spring courses through your words, accentuated by your perfect choice of music. Thank you, Don!

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