When the noise becomes too great
and the strain of divisions multiply
return to the silence, the spring of renewal.

Let the cloth of ambition fall away,
the armor of protection and attack
become a robin’s egg,

blue and trusted to the world
on a spiraled nest of slender grass,
the paper thin shell holding within

a tiny curling form, soon to be alive
with a yearning to take wing
into the waiting sky.


 Patrick Orleman Photography
Patrick Orleman photograph










11 Responses

  1. May the Word through me be trustworthy to a fragile world, its cry for integrity a paper thin shell.

  2. “When the noise becomes too great and the strain of divisions multiply…”, I remind myself to “wear the world like a loose garment”. Awareness provides a strong, beautiful and delicate shell through which life can burst forth when the moment is right. Thanks for making me really think on this one, Don!

  3. “Blue and trusted to the world”.
    Beautiful description of timely purpose.

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