Let the morning come
in unveiled glory,
let darkness speak
and tell of mystery.

Let the day be what it will
as legions of despair
find home in their beliefs,
while the river of life
pours on through deserts,

through rock-lined cliffs
and featureless prairies,
through land without end
until pouring through every heart
with the force of the eternal.

The day, the darkness,
despair and the great river,
all come on the tide of morning
with the unblemished faith
of a newborn.











10 Responses

  1. Thanks, Don — I love the clear distinction between structured belief and the unblemished, trusting faith of a newborn. I can wash away my crusted beliefs in the great river, but I have to be brave enough to walk into it by choice.

  2. Perfect poem, Don! Let it so be. And you words emphasize to me that I may let it be both — with the unblemished Faith of a newborn and with the guileness Wisdom and unsullied Love gleaned through the living of the mature man or woman. Thank you.

  3. You know time doesn’t wait
    For nobody to find what there after
    It just keeps on rolling on down the deep canyons
    and through the green meadows into the broad ocean

  4. ‘until pouring through every heart with the force of the eternal”…..All of Life, the River, Purity…..Breath….Breathe….Live….Love…..Beautiful Don, Thank you!

  5. Don, thanks. This is thoughtful and comes at a good moment. I am visiting a friend for a few days – at home with a view of a placid river.

  6. I gotta say how I love what Sarah did with the repetition of your strong lines — “until pouring through every heart with the force of the eternal” — increasing the buildup of power with the rhythm of her own words — all of it pounding on the tide of morning as the river meets the sea. With every comment made, the poem shifts and transforms into something ever new — a living collaborative creation! This is fulfilling.

  7. So Beautifully True… older I get the more I embrace my unblemished newborns Faith and Gifts. Thanks Don.

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