As the sacred seal opens
ancient power flows,
forms that emerge
thin outlines
of the rising force.

Long furrows of the dead
and yet to be born
wait for the quickened touch
of the here and now
to break the chains of time.

Vultures carve winged forms
in the clouded sky,
creatures pause within the sea
and below the earth
stone layers shift and move.

With silence to guide
the gate draws back,
the mortal frame trembles
and the river of life begins once more
to shape its way through Eden.


photography by Jim Frid












9 Responses

  1. I love this poem. It reminds me in a succinct way how all forms, made of light as they are, move and are moved by the River of Life. Water is a powerful and irresistible force. Thanks, Don.

  2. I like the rumble of subterranean movement, the sense ancient forces at work. May the ‘old magic’ move among us…

  3. Marvelous poem, Don and the beautiful picture was taken by Jim Frid of our backyard pond where wing creatures come to visit and the ancient forces show themselves. Thanks, again!

  4. Oh yeah! Just what my soul needed and wanted to hear. Thank you again and again, Don. Much love to you.

  5. The long furrows of my past, and the creative void of my future, yet unborn, wait in pure surrender, to Eternity’s ever-present moment, where Life flows a river of rich blessings, without end, to me and through me.

  6. This poem’s voice, speaking of the quickened touch, is the voice of my whole being! I’m sure that heron soon took flight when he heard the great sound of opening gates. Thanks Don.

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