Mountain rivers flow
as sun warms the high country,
the valley full with fresh water.

Our deprivations reveal
everyday miracles,
the gift of life amidst contagion,
the voice of spirit despite the shouts
of loudspeaker and opinion.

Wings of birds shaped to the wind,
the curl of waves over rock
and how your heart only bends with trouble
then peers past stone walls to the earth beyond
rich with desire for spring planting.


photograph by Willard Walch












Reading of Rich With Desire with music by Morten Lauridsen



10 Responses

  1. Beautiful Don, I can feel that “desire for Spring planting” finding form in my life. Another day, another opportunity to create a new world. What shall it be?

  2. I especially resonated with these words:

    everyday miracles,
    the gift of life amidst contagion,
    the voice of spirit despite the shouts
    of loudspeaker and opinion.

    They remind me to keep my attention on the much larger reality. Thank you.

  3. I haven’t been into this site for quite some time… AND it is lovely to have the video as well as the words. Thank you, Don. Love, Sylvia

  4. Don—the sound of your voice reading here confirms my own feeling that all great poetry should be read aloud, adding many dimensions to the living message; and your poetry is multi-dimensional, so your voice reshapes the space of the multi-layerd meaning available through these black symbols on my screen. It is quite lovely and powerful. Thank you

  5. Thank you, Don. I am in my harvest years and no mistaking the foolishness round about! As Kobe Bryant penned, “Not In My House!”

  6. Thank you, Don, for this most beautiful gift. It nourishes me with a deep sense of peace, blessing us all.

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