On mornings years ago
I’d walk dew soaked grass
looking to the winter stars,
feeling in the vast dark
and cold wet ground
a rooted life
I took for granted.

I keep that with me
in the smell of morning
as I look to you
in the grace we know
above December’s earth,
making a home right here
quietly among the stars.

18 Responses

  1. Life, beautiful life, Don…….We grow and learn and love, and as time goes by I find, we are simply more gracious in our growing and learning and loving……And, always so blessed………Thank you.

  2. Yes! It is the quiet, simple work that creates a life. Those who have washed the most dishes (by hand) have known this to be true.
    Peaceful, blessed Christmas to you and yours, Don.

  3. We are ALL so blessed to live on such a beautiful planet and it only takes a moment to acknowledge how grateful we truly are. Wishing you and your family and Very Merry “Christ”mas and all the Happiness and Love in the New Year. :)))

  4. Betty was here for dinner this week and we went outside looking at the stars and talked about how clear they were for being here in the city. There’s something about that winter sky.

  5. Maybe….only a sailor who has entrusted star guidance to push off from shore to cross 3,000 miles of open water…perfectly…..knows the deeper intimacy of our star family of this galaxy, particularly Orion Constellation.

    Whatever one knows of it, is good enough to be guided to a shared birth in stillness of a new cycle of calendar time here on gaia.

    I rejoice with you, Don, and our poetry community to commune with our galaxy family through this poem.

  6. Ah yes… Gratitude of being spirit in the earth earthy. Lovely reflection, Don, as we’re incarnate somewhere between the silence of snowfall & the impossible distances of stars.

  7. It’s our home, and it’s so vast and marvelous, and your poems consistently remind us to LOOK at what’s always been here for us.

    Merry Christmas.

  8. Very beautiful, reminds me of my own wondrous walks on Crystal clear mornings and the simplicity of every day reminders expressing through natures bountiful grandeur .

  9. That’s IT. Frozen footsteps on the ground, eyes to the starry sky. December memories. Mine are crystaline snow blistering, shuttering corn fields, eyes wide toward midnight never-ending eternal sky. Yes indeedy; that brings it back. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Don, reading this, now I KNOW we are brothers. Thanks for the words and for the life they represent.

  11. I too, walk the dew soaked grass under winter stars…
    feet firmly planted in the good earth with my head in the stars,
    knowing we all incarnated trailing clouds of glory…
    Keep reminding us my friend!

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