In the dawn hour
the sea lies flat between tides,
no wind or movement,
only the quiet
of the coming day.

As the sun rises
the sea moves in ebb,
and the buzzing life
of the forest grows louder.

I hold to the stillness;
the plain chant of the world
in morning devotion.

For those here and departed
and the infinite yet to come,
the Earth offers her prayers
in the hour of first light.












Reading of “Plain Chant” with music by Konrad Ruhland



10 Responses

  1. “For those here and departed/and the infinite yet to come,/the Earth offers her prayers…” And I whisper mine in harmony “in the hour of first light.” Beautiful. I had to say it aloud to take part. I love the sense of the sea moving in ebb, the peace, and the swell of a new day just on the verge. Joining you on that rock by the sea, in first light, I am so grateful.

  2. Wish my eyes were there to see the calm of the sea before day break but your words brought me peace a they washed over my heart. Thank you Don.

  3. Dear Don
    Very beautifull, in rhythm with the earth and sea, the sky bringing glory, let us Be.

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