The moon rises
before the city wakes,
her bowl turned up
wanting to be filled.

Raccoons roam the streets,
deer browse the river,
the green world silent
beneath sheets of pavement,

as I place my prayer
on the altar of darkness.











9 Responses

  1. … and that deep night that so many of us struggle within. Truly, our prayers are needed in this darkening night. Thanks Don, once again.

  2. Hello Don: as one who drives to work at 4:45 AM, its always dark and two cats near my house are always out there scurrying away, and then there are the Trains along NW Highway, moving slowly going somewhere and the few cars move on quietly, some times the moon is out, and peace is evident. It is nice to enjoy these special moments every day.

  3. Thank you, Don… beautiful and such a reminder that ‘the night’ has so many wonderful characteristics…unseen by many of us.

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