The moon rose beside Saturn,
shining pale light on the autumn sea;
later the sun lifted bright orange
painting Van Gogh
on the ebbing tide.

I dawdle with seabirds,
feeding on color.
One day I’ll pass with the tide
but why taint these hours
while here for the feast.

Bring your sadness and regret,
the loves you might have known.
You may be the food
the gods will relish
and turn into morning light.












Reading of “Painting Van Gogh” with music by Vivaldi



10 Responses

  1. “… why taint these hours?”
    to feed the gods, eh?

    I too know how to metabolize complaining to nourishment.
    Now I know where I got the inspiration.

    Many blessings,

  2. Is it technically true that the moon could rise beside Saturn and/or we could see it? Do the tides ebb when the sun rises? Are you researching these poems?

  3. During late July and early August the moon rose in the eastern sky (of course) and it was close to Saturn from our perspective on Earth, between Jupiter (much brighter) and Saturn in the southeast horizon.

    The tides ebb and flow on their own schedule, not according to the sun rising or setting, more governed by the moon. Prior to the sunrise though, the sea is often calm, particularly in the summer months, and when the sun rises the winds begin to stir the sea.

    My “research” is almost always observational from my island cabin on the Salish Sea, and this particular poem was written as the sun rose on the ebbing tide. You could observe that in the photo if you were familiar with the tidal movements on President’s Channel looking east from my bench beside the sea.

  4. Van Gogh surely would have embraced this stunning photo of sunrise over ocean’s waters. In his own words, “What colour is in a picture, enthusiasm is in life”. He surely carried sadness and regret, the loves he might have known, but the color in his paintings proclaims his embrace of life, his welcoming of the feast at hand.

  5. I love this homage to the rising Moon and Sun with all they illuminate. In my heart it is the imagery that makes poetry sing. To me you have become a painter sans brushes.
    BTW, the Sun does affect the flow of tides as does the Moon. I have seen Saturn and the moon in the same sky.

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