This time is like all the rest only different.
This time we won’t forget kind words.
This time we’ll understand
how pain can change you.
This time we’ll call on heaven
to guide us through the chaos
and bless the earth with seeds of love.
This time we won’t be deceived.
This time we will be human.













Reading of “Our Promise” with music by Eddie Vedder



8 Responses

  1. Don, let’s hope your wise, melodic words apply to the upcoming 55th reunion of my college class. When you and Mike M. get to be our age, you will understand.

  2. Right on, Don! Thank you.

    This is the promise I made to my beloved friends and allies at the beginning of this earth-journey. I’ve fulfilled some of it, learned some things, still working on those, and messed up others. But I do remember the promise, so clearly, and I’m sticking to it.

  3. This one rings so true and runs deep. I did make a promise, and your words only reinforce that.

  4. Don — Beautiful & profound! In its directness & simplicity. I’m sharing this poem with a dear cousin who lost his wife & soulmate of 41 years this weekend. Thank you for writing this. Mike

  5. This is a potent reminder Don of what it means to live my Promise. Thank you. I always have a “this time” moment to live my promise. Many I’ve missed, many I’ve lived with this Promise. Your beautiful Poem is a great reminder of all the “this times” I’ll have going forward in life.

  6. I hear You, Don. Yes, “This time is like all the rest”, yet SO Different –for This Time is the only Time I can sustain anymore. Almost all past memories (except many kind ones) have faded. So, my rehearsing such former tales now would be foolhardily indulging in pure fiction! Thank Heaven, the Seeds of Love continually compel me to bless my World. Therein is my Promise!

  7. Don,

    Very nice. I’m always hoping “this time” will be better.

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