In their last great meeting, medicine chiefs
rode down from the mountains,
bears crossed the wide rivers,
eagles left the coastline, beavers their dams,
trees pulled up roots, birds took wing,
whales swam upriver
and salmon walked the shore.

From the furthest horizon
Incas, Aztecs, ageless monks,
Sisters of the Silence,
and the Order of the Golden Ball
gathered with the ants and honeybees
and animals of every description.

When the ocean spoke,
her words inscribed a spread of clouds
before dissolving in the light
of a never seen star.

Then a groan from the earth
closed the ancient book
with the last gasp of compassion,
and the land opened in blood and ecstasy
as a new babe wailed with a cry of delight.


Order of the Golden Ball











12 Responses

  1. Thank you, Don. Just saw a video about the California drought and its potential socio/econ calamity. Let us abide in our focus on the Golden Ball.

  2. Something wonderful labors to be born. I love this updated treatment of the vision in Revelation. So powerful to participate in this birth with you and every one of us midwives from every corner of creation.

  3. I somehow was reminded of the birth of Jesus and the evolution of consciousness constantly streaming. I love the line – Sisters of the Silent Veil, as if the Carmelites were birthing a new level of awareness. Lovely imagery.

  4. I love the image of the throngs gathering together to welcome the new! I am grateful for your new poem, Don!

  5. We are having ANZAC Day, celebrating the lives of many soldiers, from Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. May we “close the ancient book” on conflict and live as one people of the golden light!

  6. For humankind there is both risk and reward in the vision. It is a matter of focus. I am neither hopeful nor hopeless regarding outcome. Whatever is best for the community of all life. Definitely above my pay grade. Adaptability is the hallmark of creators. Thanks Don. Love your work.

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