There is this time and this alone
to see your face and know you
over the years and miles,
the lifetimes we have traveled.

We’re here on Earth,
the bright blue jewel
with ages of torment.
How you’ve suffered again,
how determined you are
to be Bodhisattva.

Perhaps not this lifetime, maybe the next,
but we know where you’re going.
You shed the skin of others pain,
held to the light of understanding.

You glow in the dark
a beacon to the far shore.
Once more today we see each other
and again this day we know.












5 Responses

  1. Holding on to the light of understanding is imperative……….thank you, Don. I love your poetry!

  2. Don, thank you. This strong and tender little poem glows in the dark — a beacon, a reminder — we know why we’re here — Now we renew the Vow — shedding the skin of others pain, for the Life of the Whole

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