The rain came softly
in velvety mist,
falling on the wet turf
and our Saturday shoulders
as we watched the match.

One grandson streaking forward,
another beside me,
enjoying the gray clouds
and steady blanket of moisture.

No umbrella or parka for him,
where home feels like rain
and the way we stand together,
heads lifted to the gift,
the squish of our rain-soaked shoes
sounding in the green grass of autumn.



8 Responses

  1. Same same, David. But, I love O-P’s (other people’s) children. With disarming smile and genuine affection I greet parents and their children in numerous public places. I stop by playgrounds and soccer fields and enjoy youth in their exuberance.

    One might think I was a candidate for some office. I am but the keeper of my office–my heart. And these strangers trust me with theirs for that greeting moment. I am a candidate for mutuality that all may fulfill this:
    “There are no such Beings as strangers, only Friends I haven’t met.”

    I am grateful for my own words, Don, and David’s—and in larger gratitude for your words of soulful inspiration.

  2. Beautiful reflection on a ordinary day. I love the way you can catch the life beneath the surface of ordinary things. Kay

  3. Thanks for this beautiful sharing, Don. I have another image… that of initiation in the rain on a mountain. 34 New Brothers stepping into the wash of responsibility and on a mission in the world. I trust this will make our world safer for all and my New Brothers will enjoy your vision each in their own way in this new day.


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