Lifted on summer waves,
the pulse of life carries us
beyond decay.

New seeds crack open, revealing
pale forms with boneless limbs,
aching for daylight.

Affectionate words take shape,
and praise, freed from despair,
tumbles forth in bright colors

as we sing music of the first born
along the mistaken avenues of misery,
our faces turned up in joy.



Reading of “Music of the First Born” with music by John Lennon.



3 Responses

  1. Beautiful new website Don — an inspiration! And this is a fine new poem and a fine photo emphasizing life beyond decay, new seeds, first born, daylight, affectionate words of praise, and faces upturned in joy — all of this in one short sweet poem. What a wonderful release carried on the wings of Lennon’s music. I am grateful to freely receive as you have freely given — fulfillment is at hand.

  2. As a woman I hold with all the wise men making into full true position the possibility of a final piece falling into place. From that place then a whole new cycle of true innocence, passionately giving all back.

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