On Seventh Avenue
near the crossing with Sandy Boulevard,
thousands of crows fill the street trees,
line the rooftops, the power lines,
every pole and perch in sight.

Crows are flocking to Portland,
crossing every border.
They like our progressive politics,
the entrepreneurial business climate
for crows are innovators, dressed in mod black,
always in touch with fashion and the latest trends.

They’ve taken Seventh avenue
spreading east toward high ground.
No walls will stop them
although the hawks we brought in
and built nests for on the river bridges
chased them from downtown.
The hawks won a battle
but the crows are here for the war.

The city is prime picking and they’ve cornered
trash removal, avian security.
Murder Incorporated, they fill the overhead
as people below drive on.
Me and my buddies are loading up on ammo,
oiling our guns, dressed in camo.
We know a fight when we see one
and we’re damned if crows will take our town.

We do like the way they look on the high wires though,
the black gear and cocky attitude, free air and all that.
Maybe we’ll make a truce, carve out a treaty.
There might be room for us and the crows
but there’ll be a price. No handouts,
no camping on the rooftops.
So far the crows say no deal, but we’ll see.


photo by Gabriele Diwald












10 Responses

  1. Don, you’ve always been among crows yourself, so you undoubtedly are in a position to negotiate. There’s an IRA element in view. I like the comments left by Audra and James. Clever! Merry Christmas to you and your readers.

  2. Don, I like the politcal innuendo, it includes all the factions and the movement is neverending, the future always uncertain in humanities duality. But the men in black are ubiquitous so we will see what evolution has in store.

  3. Love this poem! including the double entendre title.

    Thanks for the chuckle!

    And love to you in this simple and complex season.

  4. nothing more to Crow about, I’ve learned more than you will ever scribble in your napkin notes.

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