In early morning hours
with dawn a blush,
moon rises in the east,
cloudless skies,
a sliver of light.
I watch her go dark
quarter to eighth
to this last slice
before departing
for days of rest.
I feel that time,
light slowly receding,
draining idle thoughts
and difficult dreams.
Then the coda of rest,
that sound cease,
light depart and healing come
on wings of darkness.
There is fear of permanence,
but the moon speaks softly
in the pale sky:
let the cycle be.
There is dark,
full and blanketing,
and once more
there will be light.
I watch her slowly fade,
yielding as the sun begins its rise.
I follow her when not seen above
only felt and understood
in the beauty of her passing.

Photo by Gavin Spear
Don, this fine poem and photo sing BEAUTY into being. How lovely!
This may be my all time favorite of your poetry!
~ Lovely ~
Grateful for your shared Beauty and example, Don.
Life does not miss a beat, and neither do you. The beauty of awareness is that everything is seen as it truly is. Magnificent.
Healing IS coming on the wings of darkness.
There are those who race in fear to “fix” what is thought to be too beautiful for belief! Oh my! Another opportunity missed to celebrate magnificence. Not to worry. There are angels awake to not miss a beat. I celebrate your presence, Don.
Beautiful imagery. I am blessed to see the moon rise over a huge bay in NZ. It feels like you can see the boulders in the craters as the night sky is so pristine and without light pollution. Come check it out!
Don, a lovely poem about a favorite heavenly object. I look forward to your writing each week. Thanks.
Tender and beautiful, Don. I especially love what the moon softly speaks: let the cycle be. So essential today. I also love your image about following her, when she can’t be seen but only felt and understood. There is so much wisdom and power in that, Don. Thank you. I love this.
Such a perfect title too…..
Don- This is a fleeting and fading time before dawn that is usually missed by those of us who follow the cycle of the moon. Thank you for celebrating it so lyrically.
Just gorgeous… Thank you!