Rising from inner earth
the slender stalks of peace
push against hardened soil.

Seeking the open air
of what may yet be
they sip on drunken light
with the sobriety of darkness,

their tiny uncurling arms
sending out messages of silence
like lightning in the sky.












14 Responses

  1. Thank you, Don. Earth Mother around me is replete with example. She doesn’t require machinery nor explosives, only steadfast persistence.

  2. Wow, Don, this is so beautiful………..the emergence from the dark into the light. Thank you.

  3. Your imagery here encapsulates the spirit of my mission in these turbulent days.

  4. Thanks, Don. Another fine piece of work. Peace, silence, wisdom. Beauty revealed.

  5. Don, I love watching baby plants birthing from the soil, soon unfolding leafy arms, then growing in fullness to flowering and bearing fruit. My dwarf blue lavender are currently in bloom and singing in joyful, silent chorus. Thank you!

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