Desperately alone
depression galls,
in isolation
imagination fails
with nothing but surface
below the wave cast sea,
behind the dark night sky
only emptiness and void.

Such is the path
carved by mind
into the soft grain of earth,
as if against it all
we might become something.

Like an errant child
we may stumble back
into the arms of life
or withhold what waits within
like the giants of old
with their bitter treasure.

To search for who we love
a numbing journey
through a vast museum
of endless paintings
for the one face,
the one image
we might recognize.

To say I found you
too remarkable to utter,
yet it is true.
Dare to come undone,
allow the mystery
all her remarkable power.

Below the sea
the ocean teems with life
and in the dirt at our feet
the seeds of what will flower.
You are not alone
though the wings that support
often hidden and obscure.

The deceivers are many,
miseries manifold,
yet take courage and reach out.
In the hard bark of the ancient tree
is the medicine that will heal.












3 Responses

  1. Wow! “In the hard bark of the ancient tree is the medicine that will heal.” It’s in the bark, not the bark itself. That implies the sap, the life current flowing thru the tree itself, contained and protected by the hard bark. My take on it anyway. Thanks for the poetry.

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