I light a small lamp
in the room of memory,
recalling places we touched,
the knowing in your eyes
and the honesty, always the honesty.

In the photographs so earnest, frightened, searing,
wondering if we could do enough for this world.
Looking back I stumble, thinking
was this world worthy of you?

Uncovering the later pictures, seeing
the ocean behind your bright white hair
I know it was, especially how you reminded us
all those years of what is real:
loving, letting go, lighting the lamp.












8 Responses

  1. Loving, letting go, lighting the lamp – rituals of care and service that bring my human experience out of the clouds, even my noble hopes and fears for their failure, and plants them back into the heart, where it belongs.

    Thanks, Don! I love your work. And you.

  2. Maybe I shouldn’t comment….cannot see through the rivelets of tears…almost house-less…again…as my hair slowly ripens to white.

  3. How perfectly you describe these important aspects of the heart.
    How awesome that we have these reminders in those we meet along the way, who teach us the way to be a catalyst in the world by living it.

    A beautiful and timely piece for the world. So glad that you were able to express it.

    Many blessings dear brother
    Many blessings,

  4. May we all have a witness to our lives as described in this lovely poem. It is the truest description of compassion and friendship I have ever read, thank you.

  5. Very sweet poem. As Depak Chopra says, healing is the memory of wholeness. Your poem reminds us to never to lose the wholeness of the journey.

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