Why go on sleeping
when the sun breaks out
of night jail?
Light thunders, planets
and stars disappear;
the Earth wrapped in blue.
Prophets of old trembled
for this sight,
monarchs stole fortunes
yet wasted them in bed.
Get up, comrades,
join the posse!
The morning’s here,
and mighty horses await.
The one who desires sleep
is not your friend.

Reading of “Join the Posse” with music by Jim Wilson.
Dawn breaks—let’s ride! Hanta Yo! Stay with the White Horse, the rider with the crown and the bow. Clear the Way!
Let us awake from our slumber!
Ha! You nailed it! You are trusting the image. You are working over those strong verbs. You are practicing the Zen power of the opening question.
Light thunders, planets
and stars disappear.
The earth is wrapped in blue.
Earth wrapped in blue.
Eliminate forms of the verb to be whenever possible; for example, helper verbs like is have had, etc.
I love the vigorous strength of this poem! BOOM!
“Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;”
(Longfellow, “A Psalm Life”)
Very nice, Don! Get up and go!
Don, I enjoy the enthusiasm in this poem. Also, I like the thought of a lawyer, a mutual friend, who enjoys a good nap.
Beautiful Don! The drumming on the soundtrack adds to this powerful calling to get up and join the posse.
Thank you.
Don — You & Tom Figel will be pleased to know that this lawyer rose this morning at the crack of dawn. I’m not saying that I won’t need an afternoon nap. But this am, I jumped on a mighty horse & joined the posse. Mike
The music lands as a Fire in the belly.
Tempting the beast to transmute in the Oneness of the hour now.
The Solar Energy that lights my every morning’s awakening is the same Energy that compels any darkness amid my universe into inert sleep. All the while, that very same Energy empowers my circadian alarm clock to “get up, comrade and join the posse” radiantly summoned this Day, in Oneness of Spirit and Warmth of Heart, where the New Morning Awaits!