It’s not too late to rise
though the sun
has travelled up in the sky,
the trees long awake,
birds fed and rivers running.

Years and years ago
an ancient people
travelled up the Colorado
from Pacific swells.
They made home in caves
throughout the watershed,
high above the rivers,
painting stories on stone
of sky gods and long journeys,
leaving their memory
for those who would follow.

What stories will we paint,
what history leave behind?
When the scales fall from our eyes
all will be infinite
the poet once foretold
and today we might see,
refusing the false,
turning away from idols.

Rising above the two
we can be as one
and find our place once more,
undivided and forgiven
in the inner garden of Eden.


Edward Curtis photograph










Reading of Inner Garden with music by Bob Dylan



10 Responses

  1. Don, this is well done: hopeful and respectful. Thank you. At first, I thought the photo might be from your retirement party.

  2. I loved the reading to music, what a treat! The whole effect carries the reader in your rhythm…carried by the Colorado while reading those long outdated messages on the screens and stone walls. Yup, look up, or in and notice Eden all around and in us, which really never left. But man, we so like to drift and read! Thanks Don.

  3. This creation opens us to new realm–as you put it, the Inner Garden, Don. Deep gratitude.

  4. I loved hearing your voice Don. A true expression of your inner garden, a beautiful place to reside. The connection to earth reflected in your depiction of the SW peoples stirs my soul. What story will I leave behind? Very impactful.

  5. A lovely creation you have here, your poem set to the music of one of my favorite songs by Townes Van Zant. Dwelling here in the inner garden with you my brother……………

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