Written with life,
rhythm and meaning
tattoo our soul
with loss, desire
and years of searching,

only to discover
in this unnoticed room,
with blank paper
and knowing glance,
our very own self.



10 Responses

  1. I think Bertrand Russell would have said, “I am the only one I can discover”.
    I love how everything takes us back to ourself. You captured it beautifully. Thanks Don.

  2. So lovely Don. So lovely.

    Written everywhere

    In This Room

    as you say so tenderly, noticing anew.

    Ever anew.

    So glad for you, your life, your writing &

    for knowing you.


  3. there’s a place
    where i can go
    to tell my troubles to…
    in my room….
    in my room

    was it the Beach Boys who sang that song in the ’60s? i am admittedly too much in my room, but there is a larger room i go to…nature, the wild kingdom, where i am not in control but must accept community of all residents—the big picture.

  4. don

    i just read your poem again
    & i see these 4 words
    and these images anew

    in this unnoticed room

    4 absolutely riveting words (a poem in 4 words)
    & the images invoked in me are amazing

    & everything in the final three lines
    the final 3 lines well
    that is another poem



  5. Yes, the end of the search……….thank you Don! You always touch my heart and stimulate my mind.

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