I waited on the moon
as dusk spread across the sea,
the distant mountains growing dark.
Then she rose over forested hills
and cast a golden stream
across the ebbing tide.

A sight for the ages
brothers and sisters,
without the palaver
of talking heads
and dueling voices.

Hours later the sun blazes
in the morning sky
and the greater light
brings earth alive
without turning dials
or tiresome speeches.

Sit here with me in the quiet
and we’ll learn together
what shapes this life.
We’ll find ourselves
and won’t forget
the touch of God
upon our faces.












Reading of “In the Quiet” with music by The Doors



15 Responses

  1. The elder wisdom of you and the ancient ones comes through so easily.
    Sit here with me in the quiet
    and we’ll learn together
    what shapes this life.
    We’ll find ourselves
    and won’t forget
    the touch of God
    upon our faces.

    Cracked my heart wide open. I’ll sit with you any day. Just name the time. I’m sitting with you now. No need to wait for another moment.

  2. I love this, Don. We all need this. The call to allow quiet in our lives. Otherwise there is no room for awareness, contemplation. Thank you for this critical message.

  3. Our Banyan Tree shades when needed the rays too unbridling.
    Her outer form must be shirred so that thirsty root systems will have a chance to know their inner connection and go deep.

  4. Thank you, Don, I am beginning to sense that this a place you visit often. I am finding it increasing important to establish a sense of place, a place of solace, both physically and spiritually. We come to love a place and it’s wholesomeness and it’s holiness by frequent touching and long sittings. I join you in chorus in discovering what “shapes this life.”

  5. Don — For me, your invitation here offers a sublime sharing of silent tribute to the most sacred essences of Sanctuary — ones to be ever treasured, respected, and protected.
    Thank You for such an honor, Brother Don.

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