Strong winds sway the trees
while a full moon lies hidden
behind layers of cloud.
At dawn light rain
showers the metal roof.

From a far distance
the hunger for peace
crosses the sea.
What can I do
but receive the message
and let my begging bowl of quiet
be stirred by morning wind.













Reading of “Hunger for Peace” with music by Taj Mahal



14 Responses

  1. Loved it, and your reading. Love you for putting words to currents I know. Makes me feel understood.

  2. Hi Don, I love the image of the begging bowl of quiet being stirred by the morning wind. That is exquisite. I am also reminded of a quote by Jimmy Hendrix, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, only then will our world know peace.” Peace be with you.

  3. Your imagery again. The “begging bowl of quiet.” This will surely stick with me when I contemplate the noise of today’s world.

  4. Don — Beautiful. And poignant. Just what I needed today? How did you know? Thank you for this.

  5. Don: I’ve come to look forward to your beautiful choices re photographs almost as much as your lovely poems. Thanks!

  6. Don, what a beautiful acknowledgement of the far-distant cry of longing for peace. The hunger is acute. May I not dismiss it!

  7. When squinting into that far distance you speak of — where my own hunger for Peace encounters the lonesome hunger that Peace Itself has for release from boundless human conflict — I can only ask for my own prayerful inner Peace to abide in sanguine solitude, until winds and waves take a breath.

  8. While centuries of deep misunderstanding Chris-cross in the great subconscious I am only called to bring the stillness of the Unconditional.
    Other words from an oldie-
    “Have a feel of the winter ,but don’t have a cold Heart”

  9. Perhaps all of us who have enjoyed reading
    this beautiful poem with peaceful hearts have
    helped in filling the begging bowl.
    So beautiful Don.
    Peace to all!

  10. Don, I can tell from the comments that you’ve hit the mark with all of us. The begging bowl is a strong image. Too bad that so many of our begging bowls have little to do with quiet.

  11. Receive the Message, deliver the Gift, on the Morning Wind — this Day now Dawning. Thank you Don!

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