When lights go down,
the wheels stop turning
we’ll be left with night sky,
morning quiet,
emptiness that welcomes.

We’ll stop grinding our lives like corn
and circle dance with whales.
Our feet will drum the earth,
the rivers rise with joy.

We’ll be humans
beneath a star filled sky
and wondrous the beholding.


photograph by Shawn Malone









18 Responses

  1. To be in rhythm with the stars and then experience the joy and the satisfaction of their dance…

  2. Just wonderful, Don — and exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for your healing insight.

  3. okay…shows where I am: “grinding our lives like corn” hit too close too home. Thanks for making us open our eyes.

  4. I have always loved the darkening of the skies, the beginning of the quiet time, the slowing down time………..this is a lovely poem, Don!

  5. Expansive & free… Celestial connection… There is limitless wonder in your invocations Don… Each poem is a vigorous affirmation of sublime friendship… in the now of now we know blended beauty… Namaste

  6. Don, I cannot begin to tell you how many times in recent years I have longed to see a truly star-filled sky, with the milky way fully visible. Perhaps this longing comes from a deep desire for a greater sense of connection with the natural world, with our own spiritual nature.

  7. I’m with you on this one, Don…looking up at the Milky Way with wonder and kinship. Truly one of life’s best experiences available to man. Often wonder if bears and other creatures look up and see the sky. Great thanks for this gem.

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