Long waves of blue-grey clouds
connect the valley to the sea.
Across the coast range falling rain
as branch and creeks begin to fill
and the sound of water
echoes off tree lined canyons
to the soft green spread below.

Earth is woven with fine filaments
each strand strengthening the next,
the wind in the trees adding their message
of the evergreen life on a cold morning.
We interrupt, we neglect to imagine
yet find ourselves hip deep in the mystery.

What will connect us through these years of winter,
come alive in the open bowl of our hands?
Follow the clouds and welcome the threading
woven in the hours before first light.
Indeed we’re more than the earth has made.










10 Responses

  1. Beautiful Don! The natural world and the mystery of existence seems the safe harbor in these turbulent times

  2. Reminded me of Carolyn for whom the office had a Celebration of Life this weekend. Thinking of things that matter.

  3. A welcomed message for a very gray day. Felt like I was a beloved part of the Universe. Thank you Don.

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