Tune your instrument
to the key of praise
while morning light
shines on the sea.

Trees lift their branches
in the rising breeze
and the sound of life
buzzes in the forest.

How important
must you be
when all around you
glows a miracle?

You might seem drunk
but given this beauty
the stones would shatter
had you not begun your song.












Reading of “Given this Beauty” with music by Django Reinhardt.



10 Responses

  1. This is great, Don – happy and light, with the perfect choice of music. I love it!

  2. Don, I always enjoy the space I take to ponder your Sunday Poetry. This one seems light, bright, and has tuned my instrument to the key of praise!
    Thank You.

  3. Don, in “Given this Beauty,” you have given us a beauty, for which many thanks. As always, Louis

  4. AH, Yes! “When all around me glows a Miracle” — That’s the heavenly moment of ineffable Beauty when my instrument’s all too somber song is shattered into silent praise, amid my newfound delight over what can be our fulfillment everlasting. Here’s to You, O Life-rising and Love-shining!

  5. This land sings Her stability as true Beauty is given due in surrendered Glory.
    May all be given back in collective praise.
    Love has come and enters all.

  6. Praise to the Creator of All for placing me in the midst of the beauty of the Earth allowing participation in the process of the making.

  7. Hi Don, I really love that phrase, “Tune your instrument to the key of Praise”. It has been with me all week, guiding much of my thoughts and actions. I have included “Thankfulness” along with “Praise” as they seem to go well together. Thank you. Ed

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