Naked branches shorn of green
tremble in the winter wind,

buds closed yet full of life,
turned upward in the morning sky
while below the work of birth continues;

dark earth and root gathering
for the rise and sail of leaf.












6 Responses

  1. Thanks, Don. Delicate and softly spoken. I am reminded of a sweet bit of poesy from another era that my mother used often to quote:

    In the snowing, in the blowing,
    In the cruel sleet,
    Little flowers begin their growing
    Far beneath our feet.

  2. Winter! Such a pregnant time of year. To be consciously aware of Her womb stirrings is such a privilege!

    I have not aware of such passionate enthusiasm and anticipation for a new year, as there is occurring now for 2012. Could it be there are quadriplets in Her womb? Let us keep a divine ear to the ground of Being and listen for a cadence of heartbeat….

  3. The last leaves have just fallen–yesterday–and I am feeling alone here without them outside my window. Until your words lifted my awareness to the life still goinig on in earth and roots. With Pichay I am attentive to the Ground of Being sensing the hope. Thanks, Don.

  4. I like the easy lift you got on the last line. The darker, solstic rhythms you had going might have invited you to a major chord at the end, but you took a right turn and went straight on until tomorrow. Sondheim does that musically–goes the unexpected direction to change the tenor of emotion–as you do the same here, really memorably!

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