These times we live in
have their price,
their pain and glory.
Suffer what you must.
Resist the little lies.
Catastrophes of arrogance
come and go, yet
somehow we survive,
opening the gates of eden
with one kind word.












12 Responses

  1. Kindness as personal key to the gates of Eden. That’s really profound, Don. Thank you.

    In the mechanistic paradigms of buying and selling, contracts, cause and effect, kindness seems nice-to-have but basically superfluous to measurable progress or success.

    I want to sit with this for a while, to see where it will take me.

  2. I resonate with this brief gem, in particular with the last four lines “the gates of Eden ready to open, awaiting only one kind word”… This hits deep.

  3. Perfect poem for today, Don. The magic word always always has the essence of kindness within it. And kindness relates to kin, kinship, geneology, family, relationship, essence, character, wholeness, Oneness, “God-kund” (God-kind), and ultimately — Love

  4. Perfect, beautiful. My one kind word opens me to vulnerability – the heart opens. How much waits for this one simple act…
    Thank you.

  5. Don, resist the little lies? What about the big ones? Thanks for sending this poem, one that is touching numbers of us, I see.

  6. To me, the Garden never left, never locked it’s doors. It is present and open now. It is our perceptions that make us think it closed. These perceptions were taught from Genesis to this day. And that we have to work very hard to get back. Deep in our hearts, we know what to do to see the surrounding Garden once more. There are keys, for sure. But simply acknowledging and honoring it’s presence is beautiful.

    Ah, the art of changing perceptions. What a challenge…what a gift.

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