The illness showed in many symptoms
but the cause lied layers deep,
a rejection hard as stone,
entangled as a spider’s web.

When the keeper lost balance
the planet leaned, continents shifted
and the perfect orbit unwound.
The age of the predator
rose with a blood red moon
and the time of loneliness began.

Off in the starry distance
light embarked on a long journey
with the sound of angels
traveling to the aching void.
Heard first and seen by gypsies
wandering roads without a home,

the sight and melody a gentle rain
slowly softening beleaguered hearts,
encouraging them to play once more
the long forgotten symphony of kindness.


photograph by Jenny Yang @yzjenni










19 Responses

  1. A beautiful vision, Don, eloquent and elegantly shared. An economy of compassion, its currency kindness. May this come as a gift of the light finally arriving from that far-away star to lead us back into balance.

  2. Don, So deeply and sweetly touched by your muse. Your angels are hovering close around you for us all.
    Thank you for the heart of kindness you are expressing.

  3. Don, whew! You went out as W.B. Yeats and came in as Gerard Manley Hopkins. Thank you.

  4. Cloistering in small groups tests the love oft take for granted. Compassion, respect, kindness: Love.

  5. Social distancing may be the order of the day, but hearts are connecting in oneness once again. The music of the spheres is once again heard, the silence revealing OM. Blessings to all during these challenging times.

  6. Kindness, community, compassion…the substance of legend in our present times.

  7. My open heart invites kindness and compassion–so essential to the orchestration of a symphony. To anyone who accepts I say “pay it forward.” For this reason come I into the world.

  8. Oh, Don, this is great. Thank you so much for this imagery in this time of great need for such. Love and Blessings, Ronnie

  9. Absolutely Exquisite, Timely, and True……Much Love to You, Don, and All…..Thank you…..

  10. Fine poem Don! Well said. Keepers of the symphony of kindness return home. Our friendship is sound. Kindness = genesis, geneology, genus, family, lineage, relations, birth, increase, native, natural, genuine, authentic

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