The ebbing tide rushes south
with the lonesome sound of stirring geese,
the sway of high firs in a soft breeze.

The living world breathes in light,
exhales with the sound of wind
as the green land rises
from spring fed ground.

I pile stones to mark the morning,
a cairn of reverence beside the tideline
offering prayers for all
with footsteps gently covered
by the searching sea.




Reading of “Footsteps Gently Covered” with music by Nicolas Jaar



8 Responses

  1. Drought lies heavy in this land. Spring comes slowly in the Grand Valley as Nature says, “We’re doing it anyway. Now go get some flowers and plant ’em.”

  2. Dear Don, your soft wordsmithery here, amidst such a gentle porosity of Heart, reaffirms and thus reassures one’s Being here now — Actuated Ascension-incarnate …

  3. “offering prayers for all my relations”, including all the plants from flowers to trees, all the creatures from birds to whales, and of course us humans!
    Thank you for this invitation to welcome the breath of spring in all its magic as we gently cover our footsteps, moving over the land beneath our feet in kind awareness.

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