I caught first light
in those few hours
when the innocence
of the world
played open
like a child’s skirts,
twirling in the breeze
with the joy
of being alive.


First Light











13 Responses

  1. Ah, yes… you’ve captured it! First light has always been my favorite hour…when the new day makes its promise to us, and always keeps it.

  2. The welcome of a new day, a new cycle, a new moment .. breathes a pulse of unlimited creation. There’s so much joy waiting for my innocence to dance!

  3. Beautiful imagery, in this poem and the photo. I love the economy of your words. That’s real power, to say so much with lovely, spare images.

  4. Don, so beautiful. I loved this poem so much I sent it to my sister and two friends…crediting you, of course! Thanks.

  5. It’s been quite some time since I have really felt such innocence – I need to get myself out of bed to witness the sunrise…. Thanks for the reminder, Don.

  6. Part of my love of New Zealand is due to having a view to the east over water. First light is my favorite time of the day when all things seem possible and the sky is alive with color. First light was also my favorite part of being at sea in the Navy in the South Pacific. Thanks for your poetry.

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