I rest upon the rock
like an old bent nail
watching her changing face,
of eddy line and standing wave,
the swirls where tide meets bay
birds touch and go forever feeding.

Seals appear as if by magic,
golden eagle brown and tan
with spreading wing takes roost
while two bald eagles arc to south
their white heads flashing.

Caterpillars eat our apple trees,
wind holds steady in the south
as I poke along the ground
like a curious plover,
crabbing together this dispatch
between breaks of cloud,
dressed for rain.











6 Responses

  1. Nice… having recently been to the Westwind Elder Retreat on the OR coast, I resonate with your gift.

  2. Your words remind me that when I’m in nature, she is speaking, listening, activating her life through endless forms of Life’s expression. I too am gifted with these qualities when I surrender to her brilliant artistry.

  3. Sweet. I rust upon the rock…like an old bent nail – and nature does its multidimensional dance.

  4. Your words ring familiar having just returned from a sun-drizzled stroll along Seattle’s Elliot Bay. A new favorite, thanks!

  5. While many fear to commune intimately with their natural surround, you demonstrate beautifully a joy of the dance in full immersion. I could say to our Earth Mother, “dance me to the end of love”…(Leonard Cohen).

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