My eyes so full of plum trees
and their pale pink beauty,
the weight of gravity
seems to fall away.

Rooted to the ground
old branches swell
losing their dark comfort,
daring to appear
in the gray March sky.

Each flower born
from the earth’s
deep knowledge,
unveiled and risen
in the warmth of first light.












13 Responses

  1. Mmm. Love this, Don! Indeed, the weight of gravity does seem to fall away as I behold the burgeoning of spring!

  2. Don, thank you for this sublime little poem. You direct our hearts to the earth’s deep knowledge, and our senses to the tender beauty born of deep accord between gravity and light. May it be so for me, and each one of us – daring to appear, naked and natural as I am in each perfect passing season.

  3. I so welcome this beauty, Don. My hearts sings with the warmth of the light!

  4. Love this title and poem. Made me question if I dare to appear as spring shows herself a bit too early in Colorado. Thanks.

  5. Willow Trees in River beds, herb gardens to feed the family ,
    blossoms everywhere take me deeper into the earth deeper into me,
    settling into the soul freed up from anything extraneous.
    A place I can carry with me at all times.
    Thank you Don

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