Beneath the ice
and above the fog,
on the valley floor
with bare branches
carving the winter sky,
and rivers running
to the distant swelling sea,

the whole of life
like a vast circular ring
orbits the heavens,
awaiting your jewel-like
facets full of forgiveness
to complete this holy creation.


Winter Barn by Sandy Brown Jensen
Winter Barn by Sandy Brown Jensen












9 Responses

  1. Forgiveness of the self precedes all other forgiveness. Once we forgive ourselves we are free to forgive with the love that was trapped in deeper darkness within. Light is free to shine through unconditional love to complete this holy creation and to create true blessings unto each other. “…jewel-like facets full of forgiveness” indeed.

  2. Many blessings to you and your family. Your words gently remind me of my role in these cycles of life. Peace to you

  3. Thanks Don for sharing your art and your truth. Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2014

  4. That I have a place in this cycle has always been a source of awe and humility. That others join us there is a blessing beyond measure.

  5. Yes! I agree, the vast circular ring await our forgiveness to complete to restoration for which we came to do!
    God will bless all who agree to do what we came to do!
    Love and blessings to all.

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