First there is the way she looks;
ok, be all smart and mature
but when you saw her the first time
something in you changed and you know it.
Then there’s what she is
which if that doesn’t humble you
down to your hairless shins
you might as well go back
to grazing with the cows.

Then there’s who
which takes a long time
though some men will say it doesn’t
as they are prone to lie,
for the real “seeing” of a woman
is years in the making,
just glimpses now and then
until one day you notice her
in her everyday coat,
arms crossed against the wind.

Then you know God’s blessed you
in a way none of your maneuvering
could have deserved and won’t again,
so some part of you settles in
for the long haul
that every cheap bar song
sings about as love.











24 Responses

  1. Amazing Don………may all women hear these beautiful words being whispered in her ear.

  2. Wonderful! And so true. I was recently really seen by a man I’d known for many years and it was a true gift. I like what your poem says about it taking a long time to truly see. A reminder to both men and women.

  3. So beautiful, Don — thank you. For me, this is about love. Because I am wired to love other men, I see my husband in the poem, and join you in reverence for the love in deep relationship. Seeing of a husband is years in the making, too.

    And maybe it’s seeing love itself that is years in the making.

    Thank you.

  4. Thanks Don. This poem reminds me of what awaits the virtues of patience and humility. To know that “God has blessed you” is the most amazing feeling experience.

  5. Thanks Don. This poem reminds me of what awaits the virtues of patience and humility. To know that “God has blessed you” is the most amazing feeling experience.

  6. Thanks Don, reading this rouses such lovely feelings, the tone, the richness of a close relationship and how deep we can go when committed to really know another and ourself for it seems we cannot know another lest it is revealed through another. I truly enjoyed the poetry in motion, not just the meaning of it.

  7. This one has Linda Ethier written all over it and, yes, you are an incurable romantic with a sometimes pragmatic side. We all love that about you.

  8. How many yrs it has taken for the eyes to focus on that which is so sweet; delicate and calling _ such a loving spirit the heart knows

  9. Ah yes… woman is a gift from… sorry, only into our 4th decade, still discovering, Loving the Journey.

  10. Thank you Don for describing the long deep gaze of committed love that learns the deep unfolding of the beloved and the lover.

  11. ROFL (that’s “rolling on the floor laughing”!). Thanks for speaking to the seemingly (only) banal magic of unexpected meetings and attractions. Brilliant!

  12. Not only do you speak of learning to see a woman (which I deeply appreciate) you speak of a man maturing sufficiently to see himself. Cycles of sight. Thanks.

    BTW, as a native Texan…this poem ain’t from a bar and it ain’t cheap.

  13. Ha! Funny, twisty, and true! Robert Bly would love this poem and find an honorary place for it in The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart. Neat and crusty deoarture from your customary tone, and I like the popular culture mixing in.

  14. Judging from the number of comments you struck a chord with this one, certainly for me. It’s our inability to see the vulnerabilities in others that keeps us from truly seeing and loving them. “Arms crossed the wind,” carves an image that invites us to love that one solitary being who ultimately is as alone, and vulnerable, as we are.

  15. Reminds me of the Zulu greeting ” sawubona” meaning I see you.
    Very thoughtful and lovely poem. Thanks Bro!

  16. It takes an amazing woman to be able to handle being seen as she is described in this poem. Your words clothe the grace of her being and your willingness to see this. You both are indeed fortunate, as are we.

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