Quieting the Noise
Singular and aware I go within to the place of silence, dropping like a seal into cold dark water.
Window of Opportunity
I saw you on the sabbath through the window of opportunity, queen of illumination holding the world beneath a flowing green mantle, the radiance of your light brightening these many years the room of my heart.
Awakening Wind
What stirs the soul moves the forest, guides the moon and trembles the valleys, flows in rivers and travels the broad sea speaking to birds, fishes, hawks in the high mountains and the great herds of Africa. The altars of pride are dust to this wind blessing the poorest with the touch of awakening, a […]
Yearning of the Night
We need the night with all its darkness wrapping us warm in the theater of dreams, our memory washed and hung on the lines of time to dry and brighten in an underground wind. Taking us back, leading us forward while the arc of stars turns and wheels and we come alive to the yearning […]
Spoken By the Sea
Before waves and wind the light slanted across the sea silver and shimmering, with clouds painted in the sky like a Roman chapel. Birds move silently through the air, seals bob in the flooding tide. I sit like the old rocks quiet and unmoving, waiting upon the sound of water and the truth revealed again […]
Big Drop Rain
First the wind rising, a whoosh in the tree tops then buckets of big drop rain soaking us with joy from the wide arms of grace.
Mountains of Ireland
I saw you once in the mountains of Ireland a narrow stream dropping like a ribbon of ice. Once in a broad leaf trunk smooth and silver, spreading your arms to birds in their flight; on the ridge lines of Oregon green trees forever, in vines crowding the street like kids at a fair. I […]
New Story
What will rise and what will follow, what will fall into the yawning deep? In the earth the sound of water and rush of stones. It is the time of the ancient and the time of soil. Veins open with silver and the round moon shines luminescent gold. Great fish break surface, grasslands thrum with […]
Plum Tree
No one told the plum tree about the end of the world, or the fat layered seal about oceans passing. Changes come, but a pup still cries and salmon rush strong when the last of the snow melts down to the sea. I tell myself of a far reach where her truth pours down like […]
Into the Deep Familiar
The sea shows the edges of her skirts and the slightest bit of skin beneath the rumpled taffeta of wind driven waves and the bright sun of summer, but her deep familiar lies hidden in the depths, rising on a wet-skinned seal or on the jagged rocks left to dry by her departing tide. She […]
Finding My Birth
Something or someone calls not from the dream time but below the sea where the sleek seal dives, or in the belly of the rock that gives shape to water, or the land itself wanting to rise through dry waving grass and release on the wind. Perhaps it’s just me struggling each day to find […]
Harvesting Silence
I harvest silence like a field of hay, threshing intimacy into rows of emptiness, raked and combed by long sharp tines of the inner life, storing silence against the growing hunger, everything so full we starve.
If I Awoke
If I awoke before light, before bird call and waves beating, so early there was only you and me, the only two awake in the whole wide world; while islands slept and we watched the sun break into the sky with the radiance of a star. Then we would know our place in the arms […]
One man has left the earth; his wolf-dog went before him scouting the way on the old journey into the timeless; leaving behind his music, his trickster, the joy he fired from the grief of his family to forge a life on the high mesa. Playing his flute to the four directions, to the animals […]
First Light
I caught first light in those few hours when the innocence of the world played open like a child’s skirts, twirling in the breeze with the joy of being alive.