One Life

Here in the presence morning light speaks on a soft breeze through the open window – we are one life, connected as the leaves of the plum tree, thankful to the root.                  

River of Life

As the sacred seal opens ancient power flows, forms that emerge thin outlines of the rising force. Long furrows of the dead and yet to be born wait for the quickened touch of the here and now to break the chains of time. Vultures carve winged forms in the clouded sky, creatures pause within the […]

Climb the Hill

Returning to this world of terrain and shape from the timeless, I absorb the morning like a hungry traveler, drinking in new light and cool draft. I move arms and legs, listen to a crow busy with the news and put on the old harness to enter the day’s furrow. The soil grows harder each […]

Language of Light

The tenderness of a soft breeze dapples the morning sea across the broad channel. Seals break surface in their forage, dolphins show black fins in rolling breaths stirring the silence. On the wind, the water, the trembling earth, a new-day testament begins again, written without words in the language of light.         […]

Absorbed in Silence

The door creaks, the window opens to light and air and what waits. Geese bark, otter slide into the sea and I sit beside the water, aging like stone into rough textured patience. Quick as hummingbird, bothersome as goose I listen now and hear more deeply the unsaid word, the long lost feeling, the call […]

Seeing Your Name

The trees I’ve walked beneath these many years, I still don’t know their names. They must have them growing in the moonlit dark, reaching toward the sun. There are grasses here for a year then gone. Someone must have named them, millions upon millions on this thread of rock. The birds of course, the sea […]

River Story

From a cleft in sharp rock water emerges from the mountain to shine on lichen and a small stream where swifts and marmots drink. Gathering strength and falling, brown rocks glisten, birds gather, fish appear in circling eddies. One stream reaches into another, merging in deep ravines, to fall out over stone ledges alive with […]

Earth Deep Sighs

Open as the sea to the broad morning the sky breaks out in turquoise blue. Swifts rise and fall, whirl and turn. Dolphins fish the tideline, dorsals arcing black against gray water. Camas wave in bright lit purple touched by the early breeze. They live within the tide, trill through the forest, seen and unseen […]

Black Feathers

With the sun bright as June, the land drying but still green, I’ll launch into the open sky, find an old crow to hunt with me and explore the rooftops. Clouds will ripple in waves of white, blue warmth open the mountain to rivers bearing melted snow. We’ll follow the water, chase cloud shadows and […]

We’ll Go Down Singing

The Hollywood cowboys – maybe a few of the real ones – in their big hats and pistols, would go down shooting. The rangers I know slog through mud and loneliness, blanketed by suffering. Yo y mis amigos ride the fence lines, wander into the untamed, watch shooting stars and walk through deep snow to climb […]

Songs of Earth

There is only today, really just this moment of gray cloud and May green as tall trees luff in the breeze. From our hidden core rung tight with years we feed new growth, tender leaves open and breathing. The touch of life upon us we struggle and strive and move toward light while still we […]

Soon We’ll Cross

Bent over in spring rain the hill is steep, climbing from river to promontory rock. Bowed but not broken I keep inside my coat, one foot in front of the other, absorbed by difficulty, treading on memories and lost hope but continuing. On the wind blown top the trees grow thick, low to the ground […]

To Seek the Shining Face

Fishermen troll along the shore, lines down in a cleft below the sea where otters swim sleek and mercurial. Seals bob along, slow and patient as I sit above the tide watching, thinking of Jupiter’s fiery light and the night song of trees. Daylight is too rational, too stamped by time to go below and […]

Place at the Table

I disturbed the geese apart from their flock, standing in purple camas, complaining in goose talk. With the geese gone, alone now except for swifts and the calm water of slack tide, the first breeze with the sun lightly stroking the water as the green world rises in the fullness of spring. I’m guest at […]

Morning Breeze

You don’t have to correct the world nor the billions of people. The stars were placed long ago, the weary moon constant in its track. You just may have to let go and give yourself to the soft morning breeze with its gentle hint of rain.                   […]