Radio Giza

I tune into your station on the wireless radio, hearing your voice within the static. The old rhymes and sing-song melodies distorted by the sounds of Humpty Dumpty and the Forest Witch. I remember harmonies – boys on a street-corner, girls in the nuns’ choir, sounds of Christmas eve and the stories we’d tell. I […]

The Crossing

The call goes out from high places to lush valleys, broad deserts and tide rushing seas. To fashion anew from broken bones and ash filled cauldrons, from the sore tried hearts and tender feelings of so many who’ve gone before. This is our time, perilous and difficult as the Red Sea, standing between impassable waters […]

Stand Fast

Sun glints on the broad sweeping sea, the waters traveling in a strong tide following the gravity of the moon. On the earth’s surface forces pull and people yield, giving themselves to the urge of the crowd, the stories to believe and follow. Like the old track of the moon we’ve been trained in gravity, […]

In the Fiercest Night

The winds have laid down after a black night howling. I went out to the darkness and the roaring winds calmed me. The moon showed her face behind racing clouds and I was brightened by her light. The sea pushed onto the rocks, the sound of rushing waves reaching deep into my heart offering peace. […]

Room at Last

Peering into the day there is the sea with tide and wind, the sound of birds and cloud filled sky. There is the land green and rising after winter sleep and there is the heart empty of longing, with room at last for silence.                   Reading of […]

Your Original Face

Not good enough echoes through dreams, lifetime after lifetime trying to please, to shape your self to another’s standard while the one in the mirror remains mortal, imperfect and near buried. In the time you have now offer a kind word, encouraging the only life you’ve ever had, and be the one passed down through […]

Earth Walk

As birds wing over water our souls travel this world with tiny hearts beating, fervent through the rush of air. Propelled from within through suffering and mortal ache, life hollows our urgent hunger until reed-like we give voice to the music of our earth walk.                     […]

The New Heaven

The old heaven and earth are passing away before our very eyes. Anger and opinion of little use as the ground slips beneath our feet and the wide sea opens. The words written long ago about horsemen riding and a great city falling are now in present tense. Hold together what you wish of the […]

While Night Gathered

Songbirds were singing as light left the sky, the songs they sang back and forth between the trees. Dark came on and they grew quiet, setting up night camp high in the green leaves. I don’t imagine the birds had been singing for me yet I was glad to hear their music while night gathered. […]

Comfort of the Stars

When the sun goes down and the sky grows dark the trees begin their quiet conversation. They picked up the thread when the two legged grew silent, each night speaking to their neighbors and sharing the news of home and distance. The language of the trees ancient and soothing, their melodious voices bass-toned and resonant […]

Rich With Desire

Mountain rivers flow as sun warms the high country, the valley full with fresh water. Our deprivations reveal everyday miracles, the gift of life amidst contagion, the voice of spirit despite the shouts of loudspeaker and opinion. Wings of birds shaped to the wind, the curl of waves over rock and how your heart only […]

Inner Garden

It’s not too late to rise though the sun has travelled up in the sky, the trees long awake, birds fed and rivers running. Years and years ago an ancient people travelled up the Colorado from Pacific swells. They made home in caves throughout the watershed, high above the rivers, painting stories on stone of […]

Sky Singer

Sip down into memory’s cup sweetened by first light and pale flowers then turn to the voice of the Rain Bringer, the Sky Singer who grace with melodies the bright unknown. Don’t refuse the morning or betray the Ancient Ones who see your face one among many calling you softly into tomorrow.       […]

Urge to Freedom

Above the rain wet valley grey and black clouds swirl, the sun burning through to light another day. The land’s desire rising along root, up leaf and branches into the cool spring air as flowering trees blanket the ground with fallen color. Hunger for new life awake from winter sleep lifts from the dark soil, […]

Venturing into the Unknown

Reaching down into the old earth to loosen the moorings of the time driven world, we follow the roots of what may yet be into the dark loam of potential. Not into the battlefield where many serve, but into the mystery, to seek the solace of the long forgotten, to retrieve a life beyond despair […]