Give Your Hand

Quiet the restless mind, still the surge of emotion. Let this hour belong to the One who grants the gift. Leave the drunkards at their bar, your hand given to the Beloved.                               Reading of “Give Your Hand” with music by […]

Close Enough

Slow to awaken, slow to follow bear from winter’s cave, as redbuds leaf and plum trees flower the deep earth signal. Hungry for light I stagger into the morning, repentance on my mind. Wandering beneath the flowering trees, bathed in forgiveness, I hear the far off calling but right here I’m close enough to God. […]

Armies of the Angel

Dragons of the defiled mind roar against spring tree flowers, breathe fire upon the sleeping. Death, death it is their horrid voices croak, as mountain rivers melt in rushing floods. Yet even as waters boil, from deep within the earth armies of the angel arise, trumpeting symphonies of the apocalypse.           […]

Secrets of the Dawn

The slow light of morning slips into awakening with secrets of the dawn, of silence stored in mountain caves lined with walls of ice, flowing now like a river in the rise of springtime song.                       Reading of “Secrets of the Dawn” with music by […]

Slow Down

When snow covers the valley the time is here to slow down, to let earth’s winter rhythm seep into the deep-celled longing of the body for peace and a place of home within the great silence.                         Reading of “Slow Down” with music by […]

The Hidden Stone

I shelter with trees below cold wet ground, what’s left above leafless, without color. Burrowing in soft earth, I find roots of peace woven to the hidden stone, birthplace of beauty. There She holds me, child in Her lap, cradled once again in Her undying Eden.                   […]

Silence of the Mountains

Into the quiet dark I commit my messengers, the soul survivors of desperate folly. Send word to the wanderers; they must hear of the rising stars unseen before this night. The sky map will guide them beyond the desert of certainty, to the river of crystal water, where tablets of the future are written in […]

Taking Flight

Snow covered hills under winter’s blanket, where I wake in a foreign land with trees of ash and oak, bare branched like veins in the gray sky. However far I travel the earth is still the earth, held like a new born each new day, a silent presence among the stars. The gift of light, […]

Who Dare to Sing

Drunk on starlight I stumble in the temple, my voice loud in praise of Aldebaran and Sirius. I doubt I will ever be sober, the Almighty so biased toward the unabashed. Desire guides me on the luminous track, lured by darkness to the distant light where sky gods celebrate those who love night glory, who […]

Winter Lyric

I rise and fall the ancient way, from root to leaf and back to earth; the road I tread these autumn years, without desire or fear of death. Gone with summer the need to shine, I seek the earth like fallen leaves. Birds fly high, owl hunts night, my wings fold as deep roots call. […]

God’s Idea

In the quiet dark earth nurtures her future below the cold wet ground. Forests wait in embryo, plants and flowers and the vastness of green to come, alive in the winter womb, fed by her heartbeat. And my undiscovered self, waiting there for the spark of awakening, for God’s idea of who I might be […]


Welcome darkness, fear and blight, welcome suffering, welcome night. Welcome the beautiful, desert and seas, welcome the mountains, welcome the trees. Welcome ignorance, violence and pain, welcome the homeless, welcome the rain. Welcome the thoughtful giver of gifts, welcome the lame, welcome the swift. Welcome the womb, the seed and flower, welcome the timeless, welcome […]

Stranger to the Beautiful

Dropping like rain, I fall into a new year of starless nights and wet gray dawns, when crows return to silent evergreens as I search and shovel to excavate joy. The earth opens, then down I tumble into a vault of spring seeds, perfect and unbroken. The goddess of night protects these treasures, and I, […]

Solstice Ladder

Down I go the solstice ladder to the crib where phantoms dwell, wearing the cloth of my familiar they cut and tear, so heartless in the gloom. I can’t save them, no one can, but in the night work of suffering and separation, soulful needles pierce the lie, threads of compassion draw the riven cloth. […]

Gift Forever

Christmas 2024 Voices joined in the dark, singing out the word of life, open and receive the birth of light, gift forever to the living.                       Reading of “Gift Forever” with music by Voces8