The stars don’t wince,
retracting light
from their dark surround.

Rise and bring what burns to the day;
against the emptiness deep and gnawing
light the fire of your soul.



13 Responses

  1. Consuming brilliance is one of the many stages of Stardom… and as that Brilliance brightens, the Black Hole beckons. Gold and Shadow, Shadow and Gold… and all the many Beauties of Shades between.

    Thanks for your call to Passion, Brother.

  2. Great title and very compressed poem! You might not need the opening article, and that would create good parallelism:

    Stars don’t wince…
    Rise and bring…

    Perfect use of the semicolon for pacing!
    Reeallly nice piece, Don!

  3. This is beautiful, brother. I love the phrase and image of “rise and bring what burns to the day.” Oh man, that stirs the heart!

  4. “Tiger, tiger, burning bright
    In the forests of the night.”

    We need this one. Thanks, Don

  5. The light, our presence, caresses the darkness .. healing, inspiring, expanding, increasing the souls desire! Thank you Don!! Awesome!

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