Light After Rain

The sea is far away

outside the sound of cars

yet in my heart

I touch your presence

in the quietness

without distance

like tide returning

and light after rain.



5 Responses to “Light After Rain”

  1. Athena Coleman says:

    This is my life; thank you for reminding me.

  2. Xavier Coleman says:

    Thanks Don! It’s good to read your words to remind us of our home in Coos Bay. The sea is ever present in consciousness.

  3. Robin Bryant says:

    Your words remind me of the heartbeat that all of nature has with all living forms on earth. How inspiring is her dance of presence .. and how inspiring is ours when reflected with one another .. and back to all of Life. The consistency of the tide, and light after rain, and our hearts offering our Presence is all One. Thank you for connecting beautiful imagery and thought into my heart.

  4. Bill Dare says:

    I taste the salt as I lick my lips and swallow… thanks, Brother.

  5. Pichay says:

    Thank you.

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