Rain clouds pass over
and Orion appears in the eastern sky,
the first signal cold is near.

I walk out on the wind whipped point
to relish the bright lamp of Jupiter,
the glowing red of Mars and the array
of stars in the vast spread of cosmos.

As one voice from the silent planet
I send greetings to the star nation,
to all my kin in the realm of the Maker.

Somehow, across impossible distance,
their signals reach back, tremulous
and shining with songs of the light bearers,
choirs of knowing in the deep dark of night.


photograph by John Fowler












Reading of “Choirs of Knowing” with music by Maryliz Smith.



13 Responses

  1. So beautiful! I read it aloud to my partner and we luxuriated in the images and words. Thanks Don.

  2. Beautiful poem today! Your reference to “choirs of knowing in the deep dark of night” reminds me of one of our favorite musical pieces. Thanks for sharing your thought-provoking verse.

    “Sure on this Shining Night” – Morten Lauridsen

  3. Love the cosmological insight and intimacy. I call back to you and them from the other half of the world, as it warms towards summer.

  4. Impossible until the Rays together congeal in a symphony bringing us Home.
    Thank you Don for this focus

  5. I too find deep connection to your words today. Song being vibration, the heavens sing the song celestial. As we come into harmony with this vibration we too become light bearers lighting a path for all. Thank you.

  6. Being one whose wonder has been swept from this once-silent planet, past the Winds, to the Place where Light Bearers shine through me and beyond, I can boldly chorus hormonies of Knowing to the Cosmic vastness from closer than hands and feet. If I can do so, anyone can. NOW is the Time.

  7. These choirs ..that we can only perceive if we take time and orient..something the ancients knew full well…
    Precious resource beyond time

  8. Your words in this poem strike a deep and compelling chord in me. It is as if they provide the kernel for a book – of journeying into the unknown, into the realms of the light bearers. Thank you, Don.

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