Carriage of Soul

Eagles sing in the tall firs
as light bathes the island;
songbirds call out,
the air rich with music.
I’m not as quiet as the trees
though my roots sink and spread
in the web of beauty.
I tried cleansing the world
but my work was here
scraping the rust
off this carriage of soul
and filling it
with the sound of birds.























Reading of “Carriage of Soul” with music by Bill Evans


7 Responses to “Carriage of Soul”

  1. John Albright says:

    Ah yes, both sweet and pure.

  2. Keith says:

    The human Spirit is strong and determined to find its Way. This poem gave me a sense of Spirits unstoppable nature. Thanks Don

  3. Brenda Jenkins says:

    Beautiful. The perfect start to today! Thank you ~~

  4. Veronica Lim says:

    Oh, Don, this is so beautifully put! I see and feel the light bathing your island. I hear the joyous chorus of the song birds. And my soul rests in the peace I know here where I am. Thank you, friend.

  5. Tom walsh says:

    Beautiful and full of life experience and meaning ❤️

  6. Maria Frid says:

    I love the fact that beauty is a force! Thank you for the reminder, as we work, to always listen to the force of nature.

  7. Tom Figel says:

    Don, I missed this last Sunday and am glad to find it now. The assessment is a humble, honest one.

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