Deep Dreams of Winter

With the icy fog
and sun far to the south,
dawn barely shines
on the cold valley.
Trees are silent
in the sopping earth,
drinking in vigor
for the rising of spring.
Shrouded in dense clouds
and dim light of December
my mind wanders over rooftops
to the pale horizon.
In the snow covered mountains
elders call from firelight.
I answer their call
with rattle and drum,
wearing bones of the salmon
and rich eagle feathers,
hungry as a raven
for the deep dreams of winter.



artwork by Patrick Howe


















Reading of “Deep Dreams of Winter” with music by Chanticleer


9 Responses to “Deep Dreams of Winter”

  1. Tom Wilson says:

    Winter, the time is going inward.

    Beautiful poem, Don. All the best in the Christmas season and the new year.

  2. Mike McCauley says:


  3. Veronica Lim says:

    Lovely, Don. I appreciate how you have framed your reading with the perfect choral piece, and the dream-like image of a raven bringing an offering to its nest of heavenly light.

  4. Maria Frid says:

    The cycles of the earth give us so much wisdom…….the quiet dark moments allows all to rest in the nourishment of the deep dream! Don, it is wonderful to honor and acknowledge these seasonal rhythms…………..thank you!

  5. David Banner says:

    Still hungry for those deep dreams…….

  6. bill dare says:

    Happiness throughout your lives Don.

    PS Patrick’s painting is Brilliant with your poem.

  7. Chris W Dalengas says:

    Very nice, Don!!

  8. Tom Figel says:

    Don, my reaction to this well-written poem is disrespectful: I picture you back on campus in those days “wearing bones of the salmon and rich eagle feathers, hungry as a raven.”

    The hungry as a raven part fits.

  9. Leia Meryt says:

    Sounds and feels like the Northwest into Alaska. The depth and solitude of darkness marches the vibrancy and glory of the light. The raven is a good totem. There’s magic in the air, everywhere, bringing awakening and aliveness in 5 D waves.

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